HSE Buying Guide | Portable Steps
Portable steps mainly suited to office and retail environments, usually as a consumer you will see them being used often in supermarkets for staff reaching to higher shelving.
Portable steps mainly suited to office and retail environments, usually as a consumer you will see them being used often in supermarkets for staff reaching to higher shelving.
If you operate ladders or stepladders as part of your work, no matter whether frequently or infrequently, its your legal duty to ensure that they are suitable and safe for work.
Certifications mean that the ladders you are buying conform to various standards and will perform how those standards dictate they should. Read about it all here.
If you need to buy a ladder but not sure which type you need, then this article should help you be a little wiser with your choice. Let us help you with the right guidance.
The latest figures from HSE in the UK (2022/23) are 135 people unfortunately lost their life in the workplace, with the majority happening as a result of working from height!