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Barriers are essential for ensuring safety and clear identifcation in warehouse and working environments. The barriers we offer here at HSE Store act as physical borders, helping to define different types of safe or unsafe regions such as storage, industrial operation, pedestrian paths, and hazardous substance containment. Barriers help to organise and optimise workflow by clearly delineating these regions, lowering the chance of accidents and collisions between machines, equipment, and staff members. In high-traffic areas, barriers provide guidance by controlling the movement of people and vehicles to avoid congestion and maintain smooth operations. Furthermore, barriers act as a safety precaution, isolating workers from potential hazards such as falling objects, moving machinery, and hazardous substances. 
Physical barriers in the workplace serve as a visible reminder of potential hazards, encouraging staff to be alert and follow safety rules. Furthermore, barriers aid in compliance with regulatory requirements and guidelines established by the HSE and government bodies, reducing legal liability and potential fines for noncompliance.